Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, May 3rd

**Watch the video on the white screen**

1.  The first time through the video, watch and take notes.

2.  Second time through the video, take careful notes over info you may have missed the first time.

After we have watched the video twice, answer the following questions
 when you are directed to do so.

a.  What organelle is the DNA found in?

b.  Explain what genes are and what they make up:

c.  Describe what genes determine:

d.  The video talks about a "blue print" with 4 letters.  Explain what the blueprint is and what it is used for:

e. Amino acids are single units for what?

f.  How many total amino acids code for all of our bodies proteins?

Last and most important:

Chromosomes are made of  __________ which code for ________ which determine your _________.

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